Our Team
Our team formed organically out of formal and informal relationships that have developed over the course of years. Our team began as a small group of colleagues sharing our thoughts and experiences in the field of systems change. Together we noticed a common need for a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the opportunities and challenges present in the relationship between the funders and practitioners of systems change. We decided to find out more. Here’s a little more about who we are.
Chelsea Robinson • Project Lead & Entrepreneur
A serial social entrepreneur, Chelsea co-founded Generation Zero, & Low Carbon Challenge, and led business services at loomio.org, and Lifehackhq.co. Impact & org strategy consultant with WWF International, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, and others. She facilitates learning journeys, culture change, and processes which support capital to flow into systems change. These days she’s back in the ring, leading a system change non-profit.
Derek Aspacher • Philanthropy
Derek has 20+ years’ experience in philanthropy and now provides executive level leadership and social innovation strategy to multiple foundations through Pacific Foundation Services and Clear Sky Forward. Derek has worked with the Gates, San Francisco and Silicon Valley Community Foundations, as well as five years as the CEO of the Marcled Foundation.
Mike Kang • Systems Change & Social Innovation
Mike is a facilitator, strategist, and coach specializing in addressing complex social challenges. He co-founded a systemic change venture in Malawi in 2009, helped build Engineers Without Borders Canada’s investment portfolio in Africa, and helped design systemic innovations through his consulting company, Evolve on Purpose, in partnership with groups like UNICEF, Mozilla, WaterAid, Urban Matters and the Governments of Canada, Ghana, and Malawi. He is now a full-time consultant with Reos Partners.
Nathan Heintz • Creative & Storytelling
Nathan is a social scientist, designer, and systems change professional working with non-profits, foundations and multi-stakeholder partnerships to develop strategic responses to complex social challenges around the world. He has worked with Reos Partners, Roller Strategies, Magenta Studios, The Open Society Foundations, The Numi Foundation, and The United Way Chicago, among others.