Some key questions to inspire further conversation
Unsurprisingly, our work revealed many new questions. We offer these as prompts for future conversation and potential topics for design sprints or learning workshops. We would love to collaborate with anyone interested in convening discussions around any of these topics.
How might we make prospective funders and fund-seeking systems change agents more visible to each other?
How do we bridge language gaps without creating yet another competing standard “framework for systems change”?
How might we simplify + de-jargonize the language of “systems change” without losing its core meaning? How might we create opportunities for stakeholders to co-define “systemic” in their context?
How might we create more dialogue-based interactions between people who manage money and systems change agents who are without resources? How might we do this without perpetuating a dynamic of “in groups” and “out groups”?
A need to reflect on the question: “How do we financially support the full diversity of voices needed to discover and enact deep systemic change?” Examine our fundamental mindsets about how very early sense-making and engagement work is done, by whom and who is financially resourced to do it? How do we help build awareness around power for all constituents to deeply align it toward the shared vision?
How can we cultivate transformative relationships that enable good systemic collaborations & make them the norm rather than the exception?